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Broadband and Scooters

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Well it was certainly a hectic day yesterday. Not covering in depth the rather damp (but good) Bonfire and Fireworks display at the oldest daughters school last night, the day was spent collecting the oldest's scooter and finally getting broadband (woot!!!).

We bought the scooter from Wallisdown Scooters in Bournemouth, which is a subsidary of Three Cross Motorcycles near Verwood. I bought my Bandit 600 there in June and their service was good then. They certainly kept their quality up this time too, with a very good package that they put together for us (or rather Paul). The scooter in this case is a brand spanking new Peugeot Speedflight 2 and is a really nice looking bike (for a moped):

Paul on his scooter

I trailed him back from Verwood on my bike, which was probably the slowest I have been on a bike in the last 15 years. Still he rode very well and certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.

Now onto the subject of broadband, we live on a brand new estate. BT when they were connecting this village to the exchange in Dorchester decided to use optical fibre for the telecommunications link. Great for voice quality but unfortunately it prevented us getting Broadband, as ADSL only operates over copper. For some time now we have been trying to get a wireless broadband setup installed in the village and this week it finally arrived.
The nice folks at eHotspot have installed a wireless broadband system, that uses a 2 way satellite system for the internet connection and a WLAN based system to distribute this connection throughout the village. The even better bit is that we are the basestation for this connection:

The satellite dish

The WLAN mast

There are a few minor limitation with the systems, due to the satellite connection, like on-line gaming is not possible due to the large latencies but it certainly has made a large improvement to our internet usage already. Most importantly, our poker software seems to be working fine.

3 Responses to “Broadband and Scooters”

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  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
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  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
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  • I'm Ian Vincent (DorsetBlue)
  • From Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
  • I am married to Tracy and live with our kids (stepsons Paul and Richard and daughters Cara and Aimée) just outside the town of Dorchester in England.
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