Ring Gaming
Published Wednesday, January 25, 2006 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
I have pretty busy at work recently, so have not been able to post much here.
Some time ago, I was doing a reasonable amount of bonus chasing on Poker sites. The grind of ring gaming to get these bonuses started to wear me down and was making Poker a chore, rather than a fun activity. In the end I pulled back from ring gaming completely and concentrated on playing SnG tournaments.
Perhaps 'absence does make the heart grow fonder' as I recently have been getting the itch to do some ring gaming again. I started on some low buy-in NL Hold'em tables and was doing okay but I could see it quickly becoming a grind again. Perhaps too many people play Hold'em now and it is starting to lose it's appeal for me.....i'm not sure. I still like it for Tourneys but for ring gaming, i'm no longer sure.
So I started to look at alternatives. Now I have been playing a bit of Omaha and Omaha Hi/Lo recently in tourneys and I quite like the games, especially Omaha HL. It is not the more looser feel the game has, due to the large number of people seeing the flop, turn and river. If anything, I play Omaha HL just as tight as I do Texas. I just enjoy the feeling of knowing when you have the nut low and the generally higher winning high hands (I do like hitting Full Houses). Anyway I played some 0.50/1 Limit Omaha HL on Titan and Pokerstars last night and enjoyed myself immensely. I did not win much money but it felt much more enjoyable to play, so from now on I will be hunting out sites with a good number of people at Omaha tables.
I am also thinking about playing some Stud but I am not as experienced at that game, so I am still playing around on play money tables for that.
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