Like countless other blogs, here will be posted random musing on life, the universe and everything...well as long as the everything includes Films, Books, Motorcycles, Poker, Linux, Python and Dorset.

HORSE'ing and RAZZ'ing on Pokerstars


I was watching Tracy registering for a play money NLH STT on Pokerstars and I noticed that HORSE and RAZZ play money STTs have been added to Pokerstars. "WOOT!!!" I thought and quickly looked in the $5 money area for the equivalent STTs there.....and there were none.
A quick email to Pokerstars support indicates that they might be soon though, which is excellent news. Until then, I will be having a little bit of fun on the Play Money tables for a change.



v0.2 is now out and has LOTS of improvements and enhancements added. Go and get it from: JPokerTM

7 Card Stud


I have recently started to really enjoy playing Stud. I don't know what it is, I think it is a very visual game - it certainly takes far more concentration than Holdem. I would love to qualify for ther WCOOP stud event but I am not sure I have the available funds at the moment. We will have to wait and see.



I have now released another GPL'ed application into the Wide World. It is a Poker Tournament Manager written in Jython. It is currently an Alpha release but it does enough to use during our home games, so I decided it was good enough to release at v0.1, The site for it is: JPokerTM

About me

  • I'm Ian Vincent (DorsetBlue)
  • From Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
  • I am married to Tracy and live with our kids (stepsons Paul and Richard and daughters Cara and Aimée) just outside the town of Dorchester in England.
  • My profile

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