Published Thursday, September 14, 2006 by DorsetBlue. 
..and indeed it is here.
This has generally been due to the good ol' September back to school rush. Aimée started school (now at the same school as Cara), Richard went up to Upper School and Paul joined Sixth Form. Also Tracy has started work as a Nursery School assistant as Cara and Aimée's school too. Busy busy busy.
I have not played much Poker recently, although we did have a Poker evening for Paul's Birthday and a few of his mates came around for that. I had to buy some extra chips (a WPT set from Argos for £14.99 - nice they are too) and also the old piece of felt finally met it's end and a new folding poker table top from
Gamble arrived for £49.99. It is a very very nice table top too, not one of these square ones, it is a 8 seater rectangular type which covers the whole Dining Room table.
I did the William Hill Poker £10 per hour deal this month though and made £53 from that, which was very nice. Currently trying to extract a little more from them with their £50 casino bonus - damn Blackjack is tedious! I also did a deal with Mansion and Pokersavvy, in which I got 900 Pokersavvy points (equates to $90) for depositing £50 in Mansion and then wagering it on Poker/Sportsbook (i.e. Bookie to us Brits)/Casino. Luckily my deposit co-incided with a cashback deal if Tottenham lost their first match of the season (which they did - doh!!!). This then left me with a £50 deposit bonus that could be played through using Poker and/or Casino. I opted for the Casino and ended up up £18 after MANY MANY hours of tedious play on Baccarat and Roulette.
Most of my spare time is now taken up extracting money from
Matched Betting, so Poker has dropped to the background for me at the moment. Still, I will probably try and use up some of my Party Points in Freerolls (unless they take them away again!) and carry on playing the occasional Razz or HORSE game on Stars.