Like countless other blogs, here will be posted random musing on life, the universe and everything...well as long as the everything includes Films, Books, Motorcycles, Poker, Linux, Python and Dorset.

Happy Holidays


We have spent all day watching the progress of Santa at NORAD. The kids have loved it.

Anyway that is pretty much it, time to spend some quality time with the family. Happy Holidays to all.

Not much to report


It's been a pretty quiet few weeks, played a few tournaments on Titan and Pokerstars and that is pretty much it.
I have had a nasty gastro-bug in the last week which has knocked me back a bit but thankfully I am getting over it now.
Most of my energies is now directed at getting things ready for Xmas.

About me

  • I'm Ian Vincent (DorsetBlue)
  • From Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
  • I am married to Tracy and live with our kids (stepsons Paul and Richard and daughters Cara and Aimée) just outside the town of Dorchester in England.
  • My profile

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