Like countless other blogs, here will be posted random musing on life, the universe and everything...well as long as the everything includes Films, Books, Motorcycles, Poker, Linux, Python and Dorset.

Little Britain Live


I have been ill with a nasty little bug that knocks you sideways for a few days (and give you one nasty sore throat). We had bought tickets to see Little Britain Live at the Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) nearly a year ago and there was no way a bug was going to make me miss that. So dosed up on Lemsip Max Strength (mixed with some Honey - it is an excellent cold symptom reliever) we set off for Bournemouth. It was excellent and very well produced show featuring pretty much all of the main characters from the three TV series. Tracy even got to see David Walliams naked, which she enjoyed. There were some excellent bloopers in it too, although I am not entirely sure they were not all intentional. Overall it was an excellent nights entertainment and apparently they are going to do some shows in London - we might have to go and see them there.



It seems that our broadband connection is back on-line:

Aramiska article on The Register.

Thank goodness


We have heard today from eHotspot that a connection to a new satellite broadband supplier will be made on Tuesday 14th February and the local network will be back on-line the following day. Quick work by the lads and lasses at eHotspot!

About me

  • I'm Ian Vincent (DorsetBlue)
  • From Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
  • I am married to Tracy and live with our kids (stepsons Paul and Richard and daughters Cara and Aimée) just outside the town of Dorchester in England.
  • My profile

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