Published Monday, March 26, 2007 by DorsetBlue. 
I got the motorbike back on the road this weekend, after it has been languishing in the garage over the winter. The dodgy battery seems to have finally died over the winter (left on charge over night but could not turn the engine over the following day), so I had to go and get another one. Other than that, the bike started reasonably easy and feels like it has never been off the road.
Here's hoping for some nice weather over the Spring/Summer/Autumn.
Published Thursday, March 01, 2007 by DorsetBlue. 
Well the first RPoints tournament on Pokerstars took place last night and.....I came second. It was nice fun friendly game but took over 2 hours - even with only 8 starters!!! There was a suggestion (by myself actually :-) ) that the next tournament should be Razz, so I look forward to next week.