Published Wednesday, April 11, 2007 by DorsetBlue. 
My step-son Paul and myself had a game of Golf yesterday with my Father-in-Law Tony. My other step-son Richard came along as well to act as Caddy/Ball from Pond recoverer. We played at the club of which Tony is a member, namely the Rushmoor Golf Club near Tollard Royal.
I have not played Golf for some time, over two years but I must say it was damn good fun. Actually I think I played my best round of Golf ever, which is ironic considering how long since I last played. Now don't think that I am any type of Tiger Woods, I am DEFINATELY not (I scored 111 on a 72 course) but trust me, that is good for me with 4-5 holes par'ed.
So all in all, a good day. Ended up with a little bit of heat-stroke (sun was deceptively strong) but still a good day. Will have to make sure it is less than two years before my next game.