Carb Icing
Published Thursday, November 24, 2005 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
Damn, my Suzuki Bandit 600 played up last night on the way home from work. The day had been cold and damp, with a cold morning (for Dorchester), and it had started to stutter on the way into work. In the evening it rode like a complete rodeo bronco, spluttering and jumping, I was glad that there was no ice on the road.
Ran it for about 10 minutes this morning to get it warmed up, and along with this morning being quite a lot warmer, it ran like a dream again.
I have experienced Carb Icing on my old Bandit a few years ago but this was something else. Unfortunately my bike is a little too old to have received the carb warmers I believe they installed on later models. I guess I will have to warm it up a little more in the future.
Great work!
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