First Time Thesp
Published Wednesday, December 14, 2005 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
I had my first experience as an actor today....I was Santa Claus at my youngest daughter's nursery school Xmas party. Now don't scoff, children are probably the hardest people to please in the world. This was also tempered by the fact that Aimée is a right know it all and we wererather worried that she would recognise it was me.
So after finding the biggest white wig and beard available (I was Gandalf the Santa) and a quick change in the storage area at the back of the hall, it was time for my grand entrance.
I nailed it! Now I know a little of what actors feel when they do a good performance in front of an audience. The adrenalin flowed but it went SO well. I cannot say I would like to do it as a career (I think I will stick to Engineering) but it certainly was an experience.
Oh and no, Aimée did not realise.
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