Computer Poker
Published Tuesday, January 31, 2006 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
Well with our internet connection currently being down, any ideas of playing online Poker have also been curtailed for the moment. The bug got so bad over the weekend, I eventually had to go into our local computer game emporium and buy
World Championship Poker for the PS2.
Okay I know that computers are not comparable to real people (unless you are a stonking supercomputer and are playing Chess) but needs must and all that.
I bought the same game for the Nintendo Gameboy last year and spent some time playing it whilst I worked away. I soon completed it though and found the variations it offered limited. So I was glad to see that the PS2 version offered TWELVE Poker variations to play....unfortunately after purchasing the game, I found most of these to be rare Texas Hold'em variations. I would have thought that Omaha HL, Stud HL and Razz should have been included in this list.
Still the game only cost £7.99 and has proven to be quite good fun and pretty addictive. I also quite like Pineapple and won the $22 MTT in the game last night. I am actually tempted to introduce that variant into our family game (Tracy is resisting any Omaha or Stud variants at the moment).
Great work!
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