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Baron of Poker?

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I played my first Tournament on VC Poker last night. It was a special freeroll organised between Maxim Magazine and VC Poker called the King of Poker Freeroll. Prizes were being paid out up to 9th and the winner would go to a special live tournament on Wednesday in London. I actually found out about the tournament in PokerPlayer magazine.
Well I expected quite a large field considering the reasonably good prizes for a freeroll and the largish sponsors, so I was quite surprised to find only 51 people registered when I logged in. The tournament itself turned out to be a very tightly played affair, with obviously experienced players but also a unexpectedly large number of 'sitter-outers'. I played pretty well but I got a good string of hands that died on the flop and with very fast rising blinds I was pretty much blinded out in the late teens. However, just at that moment I got two hands of AK in a row which managed to get me enough chips to hang on until the final table (and the money!).
In 9th place with only 2xBB in chips and in the BB, one person raised and everyone folded round to me. I had a pair of 6s and I had to go for it, so I went all-in and was called by a AJu. Unfortunately the J came out on the flop with no sign of any 6 on the turn or the river. Still $25 for a freeroll entry is certainly not bad - especially seeing I was not entirely feeling brilliant (bit of a bug). Overall I was very happy with the result - I just hope it indicates an end to my bad string of results.

3 Responses to “Baron of Poker?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice site!
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  2. Anonymous Anonymous 
  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well done! |

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  • I'm Ian Vincent (DorsetBlue)
  • From Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
  • I am married to Tracy and live with our kids (stepsons Paul and Richard and daughters Cara and Aimée) just outside the town of Dorchester in England.
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