Python Challenge - Level 30
Published Wednesday, March 01, 2006 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
After getting back to work after having the Flu, I have been very busy. I have only played one small STT on Titan in the last four weeks and have barely looked at the Python Challenge.
However in the last week I have managed to find a few moments to play with Level 30 of the challenge and with the help of hints from Bornedbored and collaboration with Nic, from the Python Challenge Forums, I have finally managed to complete this level. This level was not the most enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination and I am glad to see the back of it personally. Anyway here is the ROT13'ed solution:
Bapr gur jrocntr sbe Yriry 30 vf ybnqrq, purpx gur cntr fbhepr. Guvf gryyf lbh 'Gur cvpgher vf bayl zrnag gb uryc lbh erynk juvyr lbh ybbx ng gur pfi svyr'. Punatr gur hey gb '...lnaxrrqbbqyr.pfi' naq qbjaybnq n Pbzzn frcnengrq Inyhr svyr. Vs lbh ivrj guvf svyr, lbh jvyy svaq n ybat yvfg bs sybngvat cbvag inyhrf gb svir qrpvzny cbvagf. Nf vg gheaf bhg, CVY jvyy gnxr sybngf nf jryy nf urk be vagrtref sbe cvkry inyhrf. Gur pfi svyr vf abg ernyyl n pfi, vg vf na havqvzrafvbany neenl juvpu pna or genafsbezrq vagb na zngevk 138 k 53. Vs lbh hfr CVY gb qenj n cvpgher jvgu gurfr inyhrf ohg zhygvcyl gur sybngvat ahzore jvgu 90 (fnl) fb gur pbagenfg jvyy or orggre. Gur cvpgher jvyy erirny gur sbezhyn:
a = fge(k[v])[5] + fge(k[v+1])[5] + fge(k[v+2])[6]
a = gur erdhverq nafjre
k = bar bs gur sybngvat cbvag fgevat va gur neenl
v = vaqrk vapernfvat ol 3 sbe rnpu vgrengvba.
Onfvpnyyl jr arrq gb ernq guebhtu gur inyhrf va gur pfi svyr hfvat guvf sbezhyn, gb trg na nafjre. Vs lbh qb guvf evtug, lbh fubhyq trg na nafjre bs 'Fb, lbh sbhaq gur uvqqra zrffntr. Gurer vf ybgf bs ebbz urer sbe n ybat zrffntr, ohg jr bayl arrq irel yvggyr fcnpr gb fnl "ybbx ng tenaqcn", fb gur erfg vf whfg tneontr.' jvgu vaqrrq n ybnq bs tneontr nsgre vg. Gur grkg pbagnvaf gur vzcbegnag hey sbe gur arkg yriry juvpu vf 'tenaqcn'.
Great work!
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