Busy week on Pokerstars
Published Monday, May 22, 2006 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
Last week (finishing on Sunday)
Pokerstars had a special week to celebrate reaching the 5 billionth hand dealt on their system. That is a heck of a lot of Poker that has been played on their system!
As part of this celebration, they doubled the number of Frequent Player Points (FPPs) that you would earn. I have taken full advantage of this and cleared one of my bonuses and I am now about half way through the latest bonus. I have managed to clear more points in a week than I normally do in a month (or more)!
I have recently decided to concentrate my bankroll on a single system, as I found I was not clearing bonuses before they expired. My most recent example of this was on VC Poker, where I did not even clear any - although this was also largely due to the fact that the expiry clause was hidden in their Ts and Cs, instead of being on plain sight in their software (I have raised a suggestion with them that they change their software accordingly) and I therefore thought I had plenty of time and did not concentrate my efforts there.
I think a lot of the Poker sites are a little short sighted in the way they provide their bonuses, as a lot of them are very very difficult for small bankroll players to clear (especially if a deadline is involved too). Us small bankroll players pay rake just like the higher rolling players and I would suspect that there are actually quite a large percentage of us and they must be making quite a lot of money from us. Yes I hope to raise the level I play at soon (probably making the move to $1/$2 Limit Omaha H/L soon, as I am profitable at 50c/$1 OHL) but even at that level I would struggle to clear most bonuses.
I am looking at what site to go to next (I will always return to Pokerstars, as their bonuses do not expire and are clearable - even if it takes some time) and Ultimate Bet is currently looking like my likely destination.
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