Bad bad run!!!
Published Thursday, June 15, 2006 by DorsetBlue | E-mail this post 
I don't know what has happened in the last week but Lady Luck has certainly abandoned me. I have been hit by major losses (respectively) playing OHL 50c/$1 on Party (basically wiping out ALL of my profits from last week) and I have not placed in a STT on Pokerstars at all. I seem to be missing every draw I go for and when I do get the nuts, one or two other people have as well and we split (there were three people with A3 in their hands in one hand on Party last night for the nut low!!!). Thankfully I had a nice steady game of OHL on Pokerstars on Sunday morning, in which I made a nice little profit and also pushed my bonus to within around 30FPP of clearance - which is pretty much my only good game for the whole week.
I can only hope Lady Luck returns her favour to me for Sunday, for the World Championship of Bloggers tourney.
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