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Rock On!!!!!

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Tracy has been badgering me for weeks now on what I want to have for Father's Day (this is on the 18th June in the UK). After warning her off of any more flying lessons, as another lesson would lead into me having the take the full NPPL with it's £4.5k cost, it has not been an easy quest.
However on Monday we went into Toys R Us in Poole, primarily looking for a bike and scooter for Aimée for her birthday. This was were I came in contact with Guitar Hero running on a demo PS2. Now Wil Wheaton has been raving about this game for a long time but after one go - I was completely hooked.
It has proven one thing to me though. Similar to a lot of Heavy Metal / Rock listening teenagers, I had an electric guitar. However I could never get on with it and eventually sold it. After playing on Guitar Hero, I think I have pretty much proven something to myself...I am actually left handed for playing the guitar. Now I am definitely right handed for pretty much everything, definitely writing, racket sports, Golf, Cricket and Football (okay that is right footed). But for some reason I am wired up as a Leftie for playing the guitar and Archery. I think the guitar thing comes from being a Brass instrument musician for many many years, so I am used to 'keying' the notes with my right hand. No idea with the Archery though - it just feels right to hold the bow in my right hand for some reason. I will have just take Tracy's explanation that 'You are just weird' as the truth....on the other hand she married me and her Dad plays Golf left handed (but is right handed) so :-P to her.
Perhaps I will try with a real guitar again some time, no doubt the daughters will start playing musical instruments soon and that might be my opportunity.

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About me

  • I'm Ian Vincent (DorsetBlue)
  • From Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
  • I am married to Tracy and live with our kids (stepsons Paul and Richard and daughters Cara and Aimée) just outside the town of Dorchester in England.
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